

The Books


Children's Pictures Books


Alex is 9 years old,

Alex is 9 years old, and he is on the autism spectrum. In some ways, that makes him different from other kids, but in other ways he's just like everyone else. Alex's book lets children with Autism Spectrum Disorders see someone who shares their experiences, presented in a positive and normalizing way. It also helps familiarize siblings and classmates with some of the common symptoms and behaviors of autism.

Kirk is a young man

Kirk is a brave young man who was born with Cerebral Palsy, but who has never let it slow him down. He has limited control of his left hand, but is determined to do anything other kids his age can do. This picture book for early readers helps acquaint children with some aspects of cerebral palsy. It also advocates for children with cerebral palsy, educating that their potential is neither defined by cerebral palsy nor limited to their condition.


Two-year-old Kyrie

helped write this tender children's book that is illustrated with pop art cartoon drawings fused with everyday pictures of real life with a feeding tube. The story helps little ones to process in a developmentally appropriate way the feeding tube experience, including transitioning from an ng tube to a g-tube. It will familiarize both parent and child with the process, as well as providing comfort as well as reducing medical trauma and anxiety. An easy read, the humor will entertain both the parent and the child, even while discussing such a challenging topic.

Five-year-old Anber

Five-year-old Anber makes her publishing debut with the story of her foster care experience. Entering foster care just after her first birthday, Anber experienced the struggle of adjusting to a new home, foster siblings that came and went, and waiting for decisions made without her in court. Ultimately, Anber's mother relinquished and Anber was adopted by her foster family. This children's book preserves her shy voice by telling her story her own way, through a poem of quatrains she helped write.


Barrett stays busy

as much as other kindergarten children in class, but things are even crazier at home! He was adopted from foster care, and now finds himself to be the middle child of six children with special needs. This means he has lots of friends to play with, but sometimes feels lost in the shuffle. This heart-warming story expresses what it's like to be "the other brother" when everyone else is getting so much attention.

Mary is a young lady

who lost her hearing as a toddler. Starting out in life without much access to language, she struggled to understand the world around her. When she was adopted from foster care at age six, she both learned sign language and received cochlear implants. Now she has greater access in both Deaf and hearing worlds, and loves reading, music, and making art. She wants to be a teacher or a scientist someday.


Baby Kyrie's PRS ABC

book is an alphabet book for medically fragile children. Kyrie herself was born with Pierre Robin Sequence (PRS),
a condition resulting in a restricted airway and a cleft palate. This alphabet book helps little ones to process pieces of their medical crisis in a developmentally appropriate way. It will familiarize both parent and child with some of the common procedures experienced in the hospital, providing comfort as well as reducing medical trauma and anxiety.